Arena Plus’ Picks for the Best 3-Point Shooters Today

Shooting from beyond the arc? That’s an absolute art form in the NBA, and some players have simply mastered it better than anyone else in the game today. Picture hitting 40% or higher from deep consistently. That’s not just skill; that’s the kind of ruthless precision coaches dream about. It makes defenses panic, spreads the floor, and can turn a game around in seconds.

Take Stephen Curry, for instance. The guy essentially redefined what seemed like unreachable limits in 3-point shooting. He’s hit over 300 3-pointers in multiple seasons—even once breaking his own record of 402 in a single campaign. You can’t argue with facts like that. It’s ridiculous efficiency given that your typical NBA three-point shooter considers it a job well done to hit 38% from that range.

But let’s not sideline other sharpshooters like Klay Thompson, who isn’t just hanging in Curry’s shadow. The man’s lethal accuracy, especially in clutch moments—think Game 6 of the 2016 Western Conference Finals where he drained an NBA playoff record 11 threes—underscores his value. His off-ball movement and catch-and-shoot dynamics disrupt defensive setups in ways most players can only dream of.

And we can’t leave out Damian Lillard. The guy drills deep threes like it’s a warm-up drill. His style? Bringing the ball up 30 feet from the hoop and just launching it. That audacity paid off big in 2019 when he hit one from 37 feet out to eliminate the Thunder from the playoffs. His range and accuracy demand defenders pick him up way beyond the 3-point line, shifting defensive schemes entirely.

Let’s throw in a rising star like Trae Young. He’s quickly earning his stripes and drawing comparisons to Curry for his audacious shooting. In just his second season, he nailed 205 threes. For context, NBA players often need several years to rack up those kinds of numbers, if they ever do. His youthful energy coupled with an uncanny knack for sinking long-range shots puts him squarely in this conversation.

How about Joe Harris? Not exactly the most headline-grabbing name but trust me, this guy is a sniper. Winning the 2019 Three-Point Contest wasn’t just a fluke. He led the league in three-point shooting percentage at 47.4% that season. That’s a sharpshooter in every sense of the word, making him Brooklyn’s undercover weapon.

Now, where does James Harden fit in? His three-point attempts aren’t just garden-variety shots; they’re often tough, contested step-backs. Yet, year after year, he manages to eclipse the 35% mark. It’s risky, high-reward basketball, and he’s proven he can carry a team’s offensive load with this specialty. Who can forget his 60-point triple-double, the highest ever in NBA history? A significant portion of those points came from behind the arc.

J.J. Redick deserves his flowers too. Consistent might as well be his middle name. Even as he crossed into his mid-30s, the dude still shot around 40% from three. His role with various teams illustrates the kind of veteran reliability coaches trust. You need a big bucket? Put in Redick, and watch him work his magic from downtown.

Duncan Robinson is another compelling name in the mix. His rapid rise to a key Miami Heat fixture speaks volumes. Drilling down on his stats, he averaged 44.6% from three during the 2019-2020 season on high volume. Imagine a guy undrafted, becoming one of the most feared long-range shooters practically overnight.

Lastly, let’s not miss Luka Dončić. At just 24, he’s already transforming the game. When you drill threes with a 35% efficiency and can score from virtually anywhere on the court, defenses scramble. In his standout sophomore season, he hit 200 threes, cementing his status as a premier shooter in the league.

These sharpshooters are redefining the game, one 3-pointer at a time. Their ability to stretch defenses, knock down clutch shots, and electrify arenas (and living rooms) makes watching the modern NBA a thrilling experience. You can be sure they’ll continue to make headlines, turning games on their heads, and making history with every shot they take from beyond that iconic arc. And for more insights on these and other top talents, check out arena plus.

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